While suffering an injury in any kind of car accident can leave you distraught, the challenges are significant when the other driver leaves the scene of the crash. Hit-and-run car accidents in Florence can not only lead to injury but also put your chances of recovering compensation at risk.
If you were hurt in a crash with a driver who did not wait until the police arrived, holding them accountable can be difficult. This is especially true when you handle your case alone. A dedicated car accident attorney could advise you of your options and pursue all avenues of compensation.
Why Drivers Leave the Scene
Understanding why a motorist might leave the scene of a crash can be helpful during the course of a personal injury lawsuit. Some of the factors that lead to a Florence hit-and-run car accident include:
Arrest Warrants
Fear of arrest is one of the most common reasons to flee from the accident scene without waiting for police to arrive. This might occur due to an unrelated arrest warrant, or a driver might be concerned about a DWI arrest due to their intoxication.
Lack of Insurance
Other motorists involved in hit-and-run crashes in Florence leave because of the financial jeopardy they will face. If a driver lacks liability coverage, they will be personally responsible for any damage they cause in a wreck. This thought alone can be enough to cause someone to drive away.
Immigration Concerns
If a person does not have legal status in this country, staying at the scene of an accident could result in their arrest and deportation. Fleeing from the police in this scenario could lead to immigration consequences, as law enforcement may report such actions to immigration authorities.
Some people panic when they are involved in a hit-and-run in Florence. The fight or flight response is natural, and some people instinctively leave the scene of a crash to avoid any consequences.
Options For Compensation After a Hit-and-Run
The most frustrating aspect of a Florence hit-and-run car accident is the inability to hold the other driver accountable. The good news is that even when the other driver leaves the scene, there may be multiple options for seeking damages.
The reality in these situations is that law enforcement often identifies the fleeing driver. Calling the police immediately can help them track down the driver before they leave the area. Getting their license plate number can also help an attorney or law enforcement track down the owner. Once law enforcement identifies the other driver, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against them is possible, just like with any other collision.
Other options are available even when law enforcement cannot locate the at-fault party, but it depends on the insurance coverage the injured driver holds. While the liability-only policies required by the state will not help in these situations, more robust coverage can.
Some drivers opt into uninsured motorist coverage. These policies pay when the at-fault driver does not have car insurance, and drivers can also file claims when that person leaves the scene of the crash.
Talk to an Attorney in Florence About Your Hit and Run Car Accident
Hit-and-run car accidents in Florence cause both injuries and grief. If you were injured in a crash, you have the right to seek compensation. While tracking down the other driver is not always possible, the right attorney could help you evaluate all of your options. Reach out today to learn more during a private consultation with an attorney.