Any matter that brings you into court is likely to be stressful. When the matter is a family problem, your anxiety could skyrocket. Nobody wants to settle private affairs in a public forum, and turning your most intimate issues over to a judge is difficult.

A Fort Mitchell family lawyer can offer practical advice and zealous representation for any domestic legal matter. Depending on the circumstances, it is often possible to minimize the time in court or even avoid it entirely. Working with an experienced attorney from BFZ Law can ease tension, provide certainty, and help you reach your goals.

Common Family Issues an Attorney Can Help With

Some people believe family law means the same thing as divorce law. While family attorneys certainly handle divorces, they offer a range of legal services relating to domestic matters.

You could benefit from speaking with a knowledgeable legal professional about matters relating to:

  • Marital agreements
  • Legal separation
  • Domestic violence
  • Child protection matters
  • Adoption
  • Child support modification and enforcement
  • Paternity issues
  • Guardianship

Whenever a family issue has legal implications, seeking advice from a Fort Mitchell family attorney can lead to a better result.

Keeping Family Matters Out of Court When Possible

Sometimes it is not possible to avoid court. For example, a judge must preside over and issue the papers confirming an adoption. Adoption hearings are often joyful affairs and proceed with little drama or stress. Issues related to divorce, separation, child custody, visitation, and property division are different. These hearings are often contentious and challenging. A Fort Mitchell family attorney can use their negotiating skills to help clients settle matters without a court appearance whenever possible.

Additionally, courts often order divorcing couples to mediation before scheduling a divorce hearing. Mediation allows the spouses to retain control over personal issues and is faster and usually less expensive than having a trial. Attorneys sometimes attend mediation with the couple, although their role is only to explain and advise. In other cases, the couple might develop an agreement with the mediator’s help and have their attorneys review it before submitting it to court.

Working for the Best Interests of Children

Many family law issues have a direct and powerful impact on children. A dedicated Fort Mitchell family attorney recognizes this and keeps the children’s well-being foremost in mind.

Judges make all custody decisions involving minors according to Kentucky Statutes §403.270, which requires them to consider factors including the:

  • Child’s preferences, with older children’s opinions receiving substantial weight
  • Child’s ties to siblings, school, the community, and extended family
  • Each parent’s ability to nurture and support the child’s relationship with the other parent
  • Child’s unique needs, talents, and abilities and each parent’s ability to support them
  • Mental and physical health of all parties

Sometimes a parent’s bitterness toward their co-parent causes them to put the child in the middle of a dispute. In other cases, the parent tries to use time with the children as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Although protective measures are necessary in cases involving domestic violence or child abuse, courts favor allowing both parents as much time with the children as possible. Trusted legal representation can encourage a parent set their personal feelings aside and pursue a solution that supports the children’s adjustment to the divorce.

Work With a Fort Mitchell Family Attorney on Your Domestic Legal Matter

When a personal matter becomes a legal issue, you need the advice of an empathetic and qualified professional. Handling it yourself might be tempting but could lead to increased conflict and unexpected complications.

A Fort Mitchell family lawyer devotes their practice to helping families through challenging circumstances. At BFZ Law, we have decades of experience representing clients in various scenarios and will work hard to get you the best result possible. Reach out today to schedule an initial consultation.

Busald Funk Zevely PSC

Busald Funk Zevely PSC