At no point in history have people had easier access to information and entertainment. From texting friends to watching videos, our phones connect us with the world and offer endless content to consume. Unfortunately, they also represent a dangerous distraction for motorists. When distractions lead to accidents, a dedicated car accident attorney may be able to help.
You have the right to seek financial compensation when your accident occurs due to negligence. Establishing that the other driver acted negligently can be enough to show a jury that their careless behavior was to blame. Speak with an attorney about distracted driving car accidents in Florence right away.
Types of Driver Distractions
Distractions are anything that interferes with a driver’s ability to focus on operating a motor vehicle. They come in different forms, but any distraction has the potential to be dangerous. Three categories of distractions can contribute to a distracted driving car crash in Florence, which include:
A person becomes visually distracted when they look away from the road while operating a motor vehicle, and this is one of the leading causes of distracted driving car wrecks in Florence. This behavior is especially risky, as it quickly becomes difficult to navigate around hazards and avoid collisions while unable to see any changing road conditions. This might include reading a text message or watching a video while behind the wheel.
Some accidents occur when a driver loses mental focus. Safely operating a motor vehicle requires a person’s full attention, and getting lost in conversation or daydreaming can cause them to miss the warning signs of an impending road hazard.
A physical distraction is when a motorist removes one or both hands from the steering wheel. This is dangerous because navigating a vehicle and avoiding hazards is more challenging for someone who is not using both hands to steer. Some examples of this type of distraction include eating, grooming, or rummaging through the glove compartment while driving.
If any of these distractions led to a car accident that caused you harm, you may have the right to pursue compensation. Contact an experienced attorney today to discuss the details of your case and explore your legal options.
What is my Car Accident Case Worth?
When distracted drivers cause accidents in Florence, they are often responsible for the damage. However, the value of these cases may not always be clear. Each incident is unique, and the total amount of compensation available depends on the nature and extent of a person’s losses.
The damages in these cases fall into two distinct categories: economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages compensate a person for their out-of-pocket costs related to the crash. This might include covering their lost wages or paying for medical bills. The purpose of these damages is to return that person to the same financial position they were in before the accident.
Non-economic damages compensate for losses that are difficult to measure in a collision. While subjective, pain and suffering often make up an important portion of an injury settlement.
Talk to a Lawyer in Florence About a Distracted Driving Car Accident
Distracted driving car accidents in Florence can change lives forever. If you were injured in an accident, you could have a viable case against the other motorist. The right attorney could investigate the evidence to prove the other driver was distracted at the time of the crash. Contact us today to discuss your legal options with a dedicated injury attorney.