How may you be released?

You may be released on your own recognizance, without posting any money, or you may be released on bond which involves the posting of either cash money or a surety bond as security for your court appearance. This may mean a relative or friend may have to sign your bond to assure your appearance. You may also, in more serious crimes, be permitted to put up real estate in Kentucky that you or a friend owns.

If you are taken into custody and booked into the jail and remain there you must be brought before a court within 24 hours of arrest. At that appearance, you may request that the court lower your bond in consideration of your ties with the community, financial resources, employment records or any other factors.

Upon arrival at the jail, or shortly thereafter, you will be afforded the opportunity to contact your attorney. The attorney, in turn, may arrange for the posting of a bond and he may appear with you in court and ask the court to lower the bail if he believes it to be excessive under the circumstances.

If you are facing criminal charges in Northern Kentucky, our team at Busald Funk Zevely is standing by to be your advocate. Contact us today for help.

Busald Funk Zevely PSC

Busald Funk Zevely PSC