Family disputes—including custody battles and divorce—do not always have to be resolved through contentious litigation. There are others for alternative dispute resolution, including mediation. This process allows two parties to come together and resolve issues without the need for a trial.

If you are curious if this process might work for you, now is the time to speak with an Erlander mediation lawyer at Busald Funk Zevely. Your attorney could help you understand what to expect and advise whether this approach is viable. Let our team of dedicated family attorneys secure the best possible outcome in your case.

Why Not Go to Trial?

There are many reasons why parties might resolve their family law dispute outside of the courthouse. Some of the benefits of working with our seasoned Erlanger mediation attorneys include the following:


When a case is tried in court, the judge has the final say on everything. This goes beyond the major issues and also includes things like scheduling. By going forward with mediation, the parties are able to retain control over how they approach their negotiations. This additional flexibility could provide both sides with the resources they need to bring the conflict to an amicable end.

Financial Savings

Mediating family law disputes is usually less expensive than taking a case to trial. The legal fees alone are often overwhelming, and they will only increase as complex issues drag on for months or years in court.

Time Management

Money is not the only thing a person might save by opting for an alternative to litigation. When mediation works, these cases can take a fraction of the time compared to drawn-out lawsuits.


A major downside of divorce proceedings is that they usually play out in public. The same is not true for mediation, which involves confidential meetings behind closed doors. Because the details of the dispute do not have to be addressed in public, it is often possible to maintain some level of privacy regarding family matters.

How Does it Work?

This process is very different from a trial. It does not take place in a courtroom, and there is no judge present to decide the outcome of the case. Instead, mediation is a meeting between the two parties and a neutral facilitator, known as the mediator. This person is often a retired judge with experience resolving complex legal problems.

The mediator is not present to hear evidence or decide which party is right. Instead, they lead a discussion between the two sides in an effort to reach a conclusion on all outstanding issues. This can happen with everyone in the same room, or it might involve the mediator going back and forth between the parties in separate locations.

In many cases, both sides are able to reach a resolution this way. If they cannot, they do not have to accept an outcome they do not want. When this process is unsuccessful, the dispute goes through the standard litigation process. However, our mediation lawyers in Erlanger are often able to reach a settlement.

Talk to an Erlanger Mediation Attorney Today

Resolving your family law issues without contentious legal proceedings may be possible. If you are willing to negotiate the details of your case, an Erlanger mediation lawyer could help you get the best possible outcome. Reach out as soon as possible for a private consultation.

Busald Funk Zevely PSC

Busald Funk Zevely PSC