The spinal cord, one of the most vital organs in the human body, is a bundle of tissues and nerves that runs down the middle of the back. Damage to this region can have serious repercussions, such as reduced ability to control specific muscles or feel any sensation in the affected area.

If you suffered a severe and life-altering back injury because of another person’s negligent actions, you could work with an aggressive catastrophic accident attorney to seek compensation. A Florence spinal cord injury lawyer can help you prove the cause of the accident, determine the value of your losses, and adhere to the statute of limitations.

Compensation in Spinal Injury Cases

Spinal cord injuries are often life changing and costly to recover from. For instance, a plaintiff might experience emotional trauma, require help with daily tasks, or need follow-up care for the rest of their life. Therefore, a settlement can be significant, awarding compensation for:

  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages, missed benefits, and reduced future earning potential
  • Home renovations
  • Transportation costs for medical appointments
  • Reduced the enjoyment of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Emotional anguish
  • Pain and suffering

The civil court usually divides spinal cord injury settlements into two categories. The first includes economic damages for out-of-pocket and verifiable losses, and the second includes non-economic damages for the subjective losses a person faces after suffering damage to the back. A Florence spinal cord injury attorney could take the legal work off the individual’s hands and help collect the needed evidence to demand substantial compensation.

How Long Is the Statute of Limitations After a Spinal Cord Injury?

Kentucky law sets a strict civil court-enforced deadline for an individual to commence legal action against the negligent party. This deadline is known as the statute of limitations.

When a person suffers a spinal cord injury because of another person’s negligence, the time frame for legal action will depend on the type of accident. The most common cause of severe and catastrophic spinal cord injuries is motor vehicle crashes. Kentucky Revised Statutes § 304.39-230 establishes that after sustaining a back injury in a vehicle collision, the claimant has two years to commence legal action.

Meanwhile, slip and fall accidents often lead to spinal cord injuries. According to Kentucky Revised Statutes § 413.140, the deadline for filing a spine injury case centered around a slip and fall or premises liability accident is one year. A seasoned lawyer in Florence can handle the legal work on the plaintiff’s behalf and ensure they file their spinal cord injury case in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth.

Call a Florence Spinal Cord Injury Attorney to Get Started

If you suffered a spinal cord injury because of another person’s carelessness, it likely turned your life upside down. Adjusting to all the changes and learning to live with a severe injury is always a traumatic experience, and you should not have to handle the legal aftermath of the accident alone.

Filing a civil claim against the negligent party can help you pay your bills, get the medical care you need to recover, and hold the defendant accountable for their reckless actions. Call a highly experienced Florence spinal cord injury lawyer if you have questions or need help preparing your case.


Busald Funk Zevely PSC

Busald Funk Zevely PSC