Kentucky’s no-fault insurance law actually has nothing to do with fault. It is a law about how insurance benefits must be paid in the event of an automobile accident resulting in injury. [Note: No-fault does not apply to damage to your car, which is covered under the “collision “provision of your policy and/or the “property damage liability “provision of the at-fault vehicle’s policy
Under this law, a person involved in an automobile accident must look to the insurance policy on the car in which they were occupying at the time of the accident to collect all amounts up to $10,000 in out-of-pocket losses. As a backup, anyone except the driver of an uninsured vehicle can fall back on his or her own insurance No-fault benefits are also known as Personal Injury Protection or PIP.
These out-of-pocket costs include medical bills, prescriptions, a limited benefit for lost wages, funeral bills up to $1000, and “survivor’s loss of services”. The wage loss benefit on most policies is capped at $200 per week. Added coverage (called “added PIP”) is available on request. Added PIP can also be “stacked,” creating more than the “basic coverage” of $10,000. Basic coverage up to $10,000 cannot be stacked.
It is called “No-Fault” because this coverage applies to every person involved in a wreck in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, regardless of fault. An at-fault driver is entitled to No-Faults the same as any other person injured in a car wreck.
If you have questions about Kentucky’s no-fault insurance law, contact one of our auto accident attorneys today. You deserve representation from a lawyer who will be fully committed to your situation and work hard to achieve the best possible results. At our firm, we strive to meet your goals in every way possible.
Busald Funk Zevely PSC