While the details of a divorce could be simple or amicable, the legal process involved when more than one state or commonwealth is involved can be overwhelming without assistance from a seasoned attorney at BFZ Law.

When parents are considering how to best protect their rights and struggling with how to plan, a Burlington family lawyer could help parents use court appointed mediators and plan a course of action that will ensure their child’s best interests prevail.

Divorce Issues Can Be Complex

A parent may think they have only a single, simple issue involved in a family law matter, but they may get overwhelmed by the necessary paperwork involved, or lack the knowledge of how to file documents with the court.

For example, family law court decides issues of custody based on what they find to be the best interests of the child. To arrive that that determination, the court will hear evidence and investigate. The judge must consider a list of factors when deciding custody issues at hearings that require the court to weigh all of the factors and not be influenced by one or two. The court may even ask a child to testify, although Kentucky law presumes as a minor they have limited capacity to make those decisions. A Burlington family lawyer could help parents determine how to best present evidence to the court on these factors.

Many Issues in a Divorce Can Overlap and Require Careful Strategy

A divorce proceeding concerns matters of child custody or support, property distribution, alimony, and child custody. Questions about how much of total assets of a married couple, including their house, vehicles, retirement accounts, a client is entitled to involve property distribution, a separate aspect of a divorce than other topics. For example, making sure a client receives an adequate amount of money to put them on their feet after a divorce involves alimony.

A family lawyer could also help a client with parental rights. Sometimes this involves both legal and physical custody disputes. Physical custody refers to the actual care and housing of a child. Legal custody refers to the rights and responsibilities to make decisions for a child’s welfare, such as discipline and schooling. Even when parents agree on a parenting plan, creating one involves a lot of planning and details, and it can have a significant impact on custody matters. A family lawyer in Burlington could help their clients manage these important details.

Contact a Family Attorney in Burlington for Assistance With Legal Issues

Custodial issues are always tricky, even in the best of circumstances, and you may be unaware of the special issues divorce can raise. Whether needing help with a parenting plan or contesting custody, most divorcing parents could benefit from a Burlington family lawyer. Our attorneys have decades of experience with all the stages of custody, including modifications after a divorce decree and handling custody issues related to relocation, and will fight for you to get the best results. Call today to schedule your consultation.


Busald Funk Zevely PSC

Busald Funk Zevely PSC